
Versatile and Framework Agnostic

This webpage is totally vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript, including the animations. Equally at home working with JQuery, Angular, Bootstrap, Angular Material, and more. Have built full stack Javascript applications from scratch utilizing both Meteor and Express web frameworks. Develops and tests using Typescript, Babel.js, the Mocha and Chai testing libraries, and a number of other workflow tools.


Certified for Front End and Full Stack Development

View my certificate for Front End Development at Free Code Camp, where I graduated from writing basic "hello worlds" to spinning up professional quality web applications. FCC's community resources and collaborative spirit served as an excellent induction into dev culture. Also a graduate of Khan Academy's course on algorithms. Developed a single page Angular app, Grind Log Pro, from concept to deployment that's being used in grocery stores throughout the Southeast USA. Creates personal projects with Javascript and C# using multiple frameworks and approaches.



A regular Github user and instructor in version control and pair programming. Regularly attends meetups hosted by local organizations like Galvanize, Code Fellows, and SeattleJS, continuing to connect with other programmers and explore the current frontier of web technologies and hone our skills together. The 2016 Seattle Cinematic VR challenge prompted my first team project using the Unity development platform. Developed a node API and C# event scripts for Project Bluebird at the 2017 AT&T VR/AR Hackathon


Education and Mentorship

Taught English as a second language to students of all ages. Taught middle schoolers coding, minecraft and more through the Jane Addams YMCA middle school program. Applied this same drive to education as an Assistant Instructor at Code Fellows' Seattle campus. Coached students to familiarity with a toolbox of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, and agile development practices. Mentored several Full Stack graduate cohorts at Coder Camps' Redmond campus in both the MEAN and .NET stacks.


Globally and Socially Minded

Studied and lived in Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia, gaining proficiency in Arabic through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Global Studies program. Backpacked through the Amazon and the Andes volunteering in ecological sanitation. Altogether, have worked and played across five continents. In 2017 I gave back to my community by co-managing the website for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Washington, which seeks to encourage dialogue and protect the civil liberties of members of the American Muslim community.